Mechanics of Entropy, 2018 - interactive sculpture of wood, yarn, light & movement
Mechanics of Entropy
Mechanics of Entropy
Mechanic of Entropy
Mechanic of Entropy
"The functioning of the brain is so momentary; thoughts and emotions come and go so quickly.  The brain controls everything in the human body, senses, feelings, movement etc-  focus on the brain’s capability to create emotion, senses and thoughts."
Wire Sculpture - Femininity
Wire Sculpture - Femininity
Wire Sculpture - Femininity
Wire Sculpture - Femininity
The Wearable, 2019- Multimedia study working with light & shadow
The Wearable
The Wearable
The Wearable
The Wearable
The Wearable
The Wearable
The Underlying Problem - Collage
The Underlying Problem - Collage
Unidentified - Collage
Unidentified - Collage
Untitled - Collage + Sketch
Untitled - Collage + Sketch
Untitled - Collage + Acrylic Paint
Untitled - Collage + Acrylic Paint
Collage Experimentation Series
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