The installation is a representation collaboration; of obstacles we face as individuals trying, but also while working together with others in life and artistically. We want to illustrate the practice for all people to work together, no matter those differences, in order to reach a greater potential of creativity than any one individual could reach alone. The visual display of the yarn in this obstacle structure will be eye catching and a little bit chaotic. Also, by having the installation in such a public space, it will make people feel uncomfortable, which is a feeling most people have when working in a group.
Video Documentation of Performance
In order to get rid of this feeling, people have to combine their ideas equally to meet a common goal. We came up with this idea when working to blend the main creative themes we each use in our artwork to make something greater as a group. All of us feel strongly about the power of artistic collaboration, even when it seems difficult to obtain. Our installation will have a sense of momentariness by the dancer’s performance, and a sense of permanence through the yarn’s presence and appearance before and after the dancer’s interaction. The aesthetic translation of our installation is strongly connected to our concept. By our choice of yarn as a material, it translates to the idea of connectivity by yarns original purpose, thread used to connect and weave. The yarns’ color, rainbow, is a symbol of the varying personalities, interests, histories and differences of all people.
Togetherness by Oneness
Oneness is represented in video installation, footage captured of the sculpture's individual shadow, created only by one light, for short period of time. This video footage is displayed in black and white, without color or difference. While the video installation is representing oneness, the performance represents togetherness. The performance is the process of collecting many shadows and creating a image from them all. The interactive process includes the viewers each creating individual shadow, each documented and combined to create one large piece of togetherness. Each shadow is captured by brush strokes of paint, each different colors. All together create the painting of togetherness created by oneness.